Request for Quote

Submit your Request for Quote here. Just fill out the information required and attach your print, photo, or model and you will receive a free quote.  Once we get your request, we will respond within the hour. We will offer you all the Delivery Options that are possible for your part.  Our Standard Delivery Options for the request for quote are:
                             5 week, 4 week, 3 week, 2 week, 1 week, 3 days & Next Day
   You can just email your requirements directly to to request for quote.  If you email directly, please supply us with your Company Name, Address, and Phone Number.  Keep in mind that you can request several material options on your quote. Some wish to compare quotes with different material grades to see if they are able to save money. Some materials can be significantly higher than others, but some may not be required for your application. So we recommend requesting as many options as you wish.
We are able to quote Spur Gears, Worm Gears, Bevel Gears, Helical Gears, Splines, Pulleys, Sprockets and any other type of machine part.  We can quote Cams, Pins, U-joints, Couplings and other power transmission components.  If you have other parts that you are having made currently elsewhere, send us those prints as well just to get a price comparison.  Now is the time to save money everywhere you can! We can even quote you on Protoypes and Production quantities on the same quote, and all within the hour.  Know what you are getting into as far as cost, before you start. Our quotes are good for 90 Days. So don’t rush through the process.for